The Council:
Mayor Diaz-Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Dianne Campbell-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Jack Smith-Present
Good evening, Copperas Cove! The evening started with the City Manager telling everyone that at the beginning of the council meeting he would have a lengthy statement about the Utility Administration. He then told the audience at the council meeting that the City Attorney informed him that he could not legally make the statement. The City Manager said it would be publicized by tomorrow. Oh the suspense! When we find out, it will be put out you everyone.
The Area Agency on Aging briefed the council during workshop about the grant they received from the Governor's office for $300,000 for one year. They have already applied for future years. Ms Fillip stated that 1 in 6 people in this area of Texas will be over the age of 65 by the year of 2025. Improvements need to be made in this area because the safety of our elders are currently 20 years behind efforts to protect our children. The Multi-Disciplinary Task Force responders can be fire, police, and even Code Compliance officers. The operate in the Coryell County, Bell County, and Ft Hood areas. She will do presentations to groups to spread the information. Kerry Fillip at 254-770-2344 or .
Daniel Nichols from Ichoosr was the next briefer to come up. The council was previously briefed on them in February 2019 but wanted to wait six months on it. This is a company that groups different electrical companies in order to offer residential customers lower prices. Since 2019, rates have risen by 48% in Texas. Most rate increases come from unsuspecting customers that don't realize their contracts have expires or even from unfavorable business practices. Their goal is to prevent this from happening to their members. The only drawback is that if you are serviced by a Coop you would be ineligible. Presently the City Manager is their only member in the area. The city would be only required three times a year to post a social media posting telling about the company using just a few hours of city man hours. A legal review has been conducted by the city attorney showing no problems. Participation is completely voluntary to residents.
Here are the slides from their presentation:

This is an agenda item during the council meeting.
The Council Meeting
The City Manager announce that he can't make his Utility Administration announcement.
Citizens Forum:
The Chamber of Commerce gave a rundown on events of this coming weekend with the Krist Kindl Markt.
Mary Ables asked about IChoosr but then she would wait to hear the presentation again.
Jimmy Stack asked the council to review the park policies concerning travel teams being charged for using city parks. He coaches a 12U Softball team. Editorial Comment: Councilman Chavez started asking questions of Mr Stack during his comments even though the council can't speak during this time.
Consent Agenda:
All six items passed by a vote of 7-0. The first four items were for meeting minutes. Item 5 was for allowing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal agreement Texas School Safety Center for the FY20 Tobacco Enforcement Program. It is to discourage minors from using tobacco. Item 6 is for renewing the maintenance contract with Dailey-Wells Communications, Inc for our radio trunking system.
Action Items:
H1. The EDC Executive Director brought to council a prospective agreement between the EDC and Waffle Cone. Mr Hayes wants to expand his ice cream production in order to serve 5 more locations in the area. In doing so he would need a 24 quart industrial batch freezer at a cost of $13,600. Vote to pass was 7-0.
H2. IChoosr made their presentation to the council during the workshop. We included the slides from the workshop so everyone can review the proposal. The vote to pass was 4-3 (Courtland, Yancey, and Manning voted against).
H3. The proposed Lampasas County Appraisal District budget amendment passed by a vote of 7-0 . There was not an increase or decrease in their budget.
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