There are a lot of things going on in Copperas Cove that most of us aren't always aware of. After all, it can be a task to keep up with when all the different meetings are or have time to sit through them all. That's where we come in.
We want to give you a place where you can come and follow up with what's going on at the city council meetings and see who's voting how. See what you're missing out on at the school board workshops/meetings, what's going on with the Planning and Zoning board meetings and where they want to take Copperas Cove, or even what events may be coming up around town. We'd like to even make this a place where you can come and learn and talk about new electoral candidates once the yard signs start going up.
See, we like Copperas Cove and want good things to come along for it. We want to see the right people elected and we want to see people educated about all projects going on in Copperas Cove (current and future, big and small). So, save this blog, follow it, and join in on the conversation. Come on Copperas Cove - Speak up!!!
Thank you for providing a place where I can find information on what is happening in Copperas Cove.