The Council:
Mayor Bradi Diaz- Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Place 3 Candidates
Jayme Sigler- Absent
Dario Eubank-Absent
Place 4 Candidates
Matt Russell- Absent
Benjamin Beck- Absent
Place 5 Candidates
Dianne Campbell- Absent Gary Kent- Absent
Place 7 (Unexpired Term) Candidates
Jack Smith-Present
Terri Deans-Absent
Well, we made it to election day. We definitely will have two newly elected council members tonight and then Place 3 and 4 have three candidates in them. If neither winner has over 50% in them then there will be a runoff election. Update: Dan Yancey, Jay Manning, Dianne Campbell, and Jack Smith won their election races.
Be sure to watch the Workshop video. The HOP gave a three person very detailed briefing and our Fire Chief gave a presentation on open burning inside the city limits.
Councilman Lack announced that the Copperas Cove Veteran's Day parade will be November 9 at 10AM
Citizens Forum:
Charolette Brown spoke about the Blue Santa program and that it is in it's 20th year, in Copperas Cove.
Yolanda Clem spoke about a petition that is being passed around the Heartwood Park area concerning a .7 mile stretch of Courtney Rd. They want it widened and have sidewalks on both sides. They want the builders to absorb most of the cost like in other communities across the US.
Sheri Butler spoke about BNSF continually blocking Bradford road (off of 1113). Bradford Rd is the only entry/exit point for that community. BNSF trains have been stopping for extended amounts of time.
Chamber of Commerce spoke about the Visitor's Bureau and some upcoming events.
Consent Agenda:
There were 17 items on the Consent Agenda this evening. There are items considered routine. Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 16, and 17 should have been discussed so that the community understands about spending inside the city. Vote to pass 6-0
Public Hearing:
Deputy Police Chief Wyers briefed the council and public on the city adopting a 3 year rabies vaccine in Copperas Cove. Currently we are the only city in the region that has a rabies vaccine valid for one year. There were no public speakers. Vote to pass 6-0
Action Items:
Jonas Titus, Executive Director EDC, brought proposed By-Law changes to the council. The changes include the following: Vote to pass 6-0
Delete the requirement of the one week training requirements that new EDC appointees must have after appointment. The training can be attained by other means.
Reduce the requirement to one signer on checks for routine purchases not to exceed $1000.
The EDC annual meeting will be held at 502 S 2nd Street in Copperas Cove.
Animal Shelter Advisory Committee appointees:
Marcie Lowery approved by a vote of 4-2 (Chavez and Payne voted against her and gave no reason)
Pat Thomas appointed by a vote of 6-0
Board of Adjustments appointees:
Howard Hawk approved by a vote of 5-1 (Payne voted against)
For some reason, Bobby Lewis informed the council that there was no conflict of interest because he serves on multiple city boards. Councilman Payne started asking about why none of the nominees were present at council meeting.
Quality of Life appointees:
Cheryl Kielman Place 2, approved by a vote of 5-1 (Payne voted against)
Billie Pederson Place 3, approved by a vote of 5-1 (Payne voted against)
Adam Redmond Place 4, approved by a vote of 5-1 (Payne voted against)
Shawn Alzona Place 5, approved by a vote of 5-1 (Payne voted against)
Amy Williams Place 6 (Unexpired), approved by a vote of 5-1 (Payne voted against)
The Fire Chief brought the updated Mobile Food Vendor ordinance back to the council. It would go into effect on January 1, 2020. He said that the Chamber of Commerce holds an insurance binder that covers their events. Vote to pass 4-2 (Manning and I believe Lack voted against)
These are a few of the changes in the ordinance:
- Chapter 609 defines where commercial cooking hoods are required and refer construction standards to the International Mechanical Code.
- Chapter 904 defines the standards for automatic fire-extinguishing systems, system types, where they are required, maintenance, testing, and Class “K” fire extinguishers.
- The verbiage “and other specific sections of this code” refers to portions throughout the code that impact required locations, maintenance, testing, installation, alarms, monitoring, and applicability of automatic fire-extinguishing systems and hoods not covered under Chapters 904 or 609. For example, Chapter 906.4-Cooking grease fires: “Fire extinguishers provided for the protection of cooking grease fires shall be of an approved type compatible with the automatic fire-extinguishing system agent and in accordance with Section 904.12.5”.
- Specifically, 904.2.2 as mentioned in the proposed Ordinance indicates Type I hoods shall be protected with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system because they are used for handling grease-laden vapors or smoke, whereas Type II hoods handle fumes, steam, heat and odors. However, due to the expense of an automatic fire-extinguishing system, the fire department is compromising to substitute an automatic fire-extinguishing system for the appropriate number of Class “K” fire extinguishers. 904.2.2 is referenced in the Ordinance because if a vendor already has a ventilation hood installed, then it must comply with the Code.
Jay Manning stated the government should not be telling small business how to operate.
The Fire Chief again came to council with a request to purchase 3 Zoll defibrillators in order to replace 2 existing and give the department 1 replacement. The equipment is proprietary. The cost is $89.999.99 for the total price. Vote to pass 6-0
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