The Council:
Mayor Bradi Diaz- Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present Swearing-In Video
Jay Manning-Present Swearing-In Video
Dianne Campbell-Present Swearing-In Video
Marc Payne-Present
Jack Smith-Present Swearing-In Video
Good evening Copperas Cove. Today's council workshop and meeting went from 5:00pm to 9:45pm. During the workshop all four election winners were sworn into office. Place 3, 4, 5 are for three years and Place 7 will have to run for reelection next year because it was an unexpired term. Place t is Jack Smith. There were a lot of people in attendance this evening.
Besides the swearing in ceremony the workshop had to two briefing in it. Scott Osburn gave a very detailed brief on the city's recycle program and it's future. The second was a brief on the Park's Master Plan by the contracted engineer firm MRB (BSG was merged into this firm but the same people are there). Please watch the the attached video which is linked above for the entire discussion. It is worth it especially with the recycling program.
Workshop summary:
Larry Scott was announced as Copperas Cove's Solid Waste Director.
1993-2013, Copperas Cove curbside recycling sorting in effect with no cost to customers
2013, Transition began to the Single Stream program.
All our recycles are sent to Taylor, Texas, to Wilco. Wilco would then begin the process of sending it to China. China controls the world's recycling industry. China has now stopped accepting recycle waste.
The city worked out an agreement with Fort Hood for us to take our recycles to them for disposal. This has been in the works for several years now. It has to go through congress for approval. It is now in Conference because it was passed in the House but not included in the Senate version. Watch the video.
There were no attached slides for the Parks Plan but it is discussed in the video.
Council Meeting
The council immediately went into Executive Session as soon as the meeting started for 20 minutes about Fathom so that the council was up to date with Fathom before the meeting went forward. When it returned to open session, the City Manager gave everyone a full briefing on what we are facing with Fathom closing up. See the video link, above.
Citizen's Forum:
Sylvia Rhodes spoke out in favor of continuing the recycle program.
Terri Deans spoke out about about Fathom and the future afterward. She said it shows that outsourcing does not work in Copperas Cove.
Consent Agenda:
All items on the Consent Agenda passed 7-0, to include the purchase of new vehicles for Public Works.
The were no Public Hearings
Action Items:
H1. Dir Keith Sledd from the Heart Of Texas Defense Alliance gave their quarterly briefing and the request the payment of $4250. It passed 7-0
H2. The Chamber Of Commerce came to the council with a briefing and to request a payment of $11,750. The vote passed 6-0-1, with Jack Smith abstaining.
Summary of briefing:
$11,750 was for payroll and staff expenses.
All employee hours are logged and are 28 hours a week.
They are designing a new logo to include tourism.
All Tourism funds are kept separate from CoC funds.
H3, The Chamber of Commerce is requesting that the city pay it's membership dues of $1000. This would include the entire city, in the membership. This passed by a vote of 7-0.
Summary of discussion:
Fir this to be legal, the following criteria must be met:
1. Public purpose
2. Retain public funds
3. Return on investment
CoC reassured the city that all three requirement will be met.
The City Attorney said that the governing body determines public purpose.
H4. The council appointed three people to the three vacancies to Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful. Councilman Payne continued to insist that if a person wants to be on a board they should be present for their vote. There are now only two vacancies.
Diana Lentz, 6-1 passed
Samantha Peck, 7-0 passed
Robert Thompson, 6-1 passed
H5. The council appointed one person to the Cemetery Advisory Board. Ronnie Viss owns Scott Funeral Home and was not present. There is still one vacancy on the board.
Ronnie Viss, 6-1 passed
H6. The council appointed nine teenagers to the Youth Advisory Council (YAC). After the vote there are 22 vacancies on YAC. Most of the applicants were present and Payne voted for all them. Vote to appoint all applicants was 7-0
Kacy Carter
Jonathan Daley
Audrey Martin
Olivia Martin
Myranda Mayfield
Deceia Montoya
Haley Wang
Taylor Welch
Taylor Flores
H7. Jimmy Clarke and Wes Atkinson brought to council a Ft Hood land swap deal. By law, private entities can not do this with the Federal Government but can with the city. So Clarke and Atkinson will transfer to the city, then the city will transfer to Ft Hood, then in reverse. Clark and Atkinson will pay all fees for the transfers. Vote passed 7-0
H8. This is for prioritising street maintence in FY20 for Copperas Cove. Scott Osburn briefed the council for 30 minutes on this. He was extremely detailed and was hard to take notes on. Please review the slides on the agenda for this. The council setteled on the $708,000 package and it passed by a vote 7-0. Ray Payne asked that the city assess the roads for pipes before work is done.
H9. Scott Osburn brought to council on awarding a bid for the Northeast Waste Water Treatment Plant UV Disinfection Improvements including Alternate 1. The cost will be $734,650 for the project. Shauna Holmes asked the council about the size of the crane that will be used to move 24 inch valves. She was a crane operator in the Army. Vote passed 7-0
H10. Ms Beckman brought several changes for the FY20 Personnel Improvement Plan. Vote passed to 7-0
Summary of discussion:
4 new positions for Utility Department for upcoming changes.
H11. The council awarded 75 votes for Manning and 834 votes for Mayor Diaz for the Coryell Central Appraisal District. Vote 7-0
H12. The council awarded 75 votes for MIke Kriegal for the Lampasas Central Appraisal District. Vote 7-0
City Manager report:
The search for a city engineer is ongoing. Three interviews conducted, 1 person was offered position but declined due to salary.
The search for a Parks and Recreation Director is ongoing. Two rounds of interviews conducted, 1 offer was made to applicant, the city is waiting on a reply.
The search for IS Director is ongoing. There have been several rounds of interviews. There have been several offers made but all declined due to salary.
Business 190 Median Project update:
Near 100% design completion
Will present to council on Decemeber 3, 2019
Out for bids in March 2020
The idea was brought up to TxDOT about burying all cables was brought up. TxDOT said that it must be done before the Median Project or after it.
Mayor Bradi Diaz- Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present Swearing-In Video
Jay Manning-Present Swearing-In Video
Dianne Campbell-Present Swearing-In Video
Marc Payne-Present
Jack Smith-Present Swearing-In Video
![]() |
Newly seated Copperas Cove City Council |
Besides the swearing in ceremony the workshop had to two briefing in it. Scott Osburn gave a very detailed brief on the city's recycle program and it's future. The second was a brief on the Park's Master Plan by the contracted engineer firm MRB (BSG was merged into this firm but the same people are there). Please watch the the attached video which is linked above for the entire discussion. It is worth it especially with the recycling program.
Workshop summary:
Larry Scott was announced as Copperas Cove's Solid Waste Director.
1993-2013, Copperas Cove curbside recycling sorting in effect with no cost to customers
2013, Transition began to the Single Stream program.
All our recycles are sent to Taylor, Texas, to Wilco. Wilco would then begin the process of sending it to China. China controls the world's recycling industry. China has now stopped accepting recycle waste.
The city worked out an agreement with Fort Hood for us to take our recycles to them for disposal. This has been in the works for several years now. It has to go through congress for approval. It is now in Conference because it was passed in the House but not included in the Senate version. Watch the video.
There were no attached slides for the Parks Plan but it is discussed in the video.
Council Meeting
The council immediately went into Executive Session as soon as the meeting started for 20 minutes about Fathom so that the council was up to date with Fathom before the meeting went forward. When it returned to open session, the City Manager gave everyone a full briefing on what we are facing with Fathom closing up. See the video link, above.
Citizen's Forum:
Sylvia Rhodes spoke out in favor of continuing the recycle program.
Terri Deans spoke out about about Fathom and the future afterward. She said it shows that outsourcing does not work in Copperas Cove.
Consent Agenda:
All items on the Consent Agenda passed 7-0, to include the purchase of new vehicles for Public Works.
The were no Public Hearings
Action Items:
H1. Dir Keith Sledd from the Heart Of Texas Defense Alliance gave their quarterly briefing and the request the payment of $4250. It passed 7-0
H2. The Chamber Of Commerce came to the council with a briefing and to request a payment of $11,750. The vote passed 6-0-1, with Jack Smith abstaining.
Summary of briefing:
$11,750 was for payroll and staff expenses.
All employee hours are logged and are 28 hours a week.
They are designing a new logo to include tourism.
All Tourism funds are kept separate from CoC funds.
H3, The Chamber of Commerce is requesting that the city pay it's membership dues of $1000. This would include the entire city, in the membership. This passed by a vote of 7-0.
Summary of discussion:
Fir this to be legal, the following criteria must be met:
1. Public purpose
2. Retain public funds
3. Return on investment
CoC reassured the city that all three requirement will be met.
The City Attorney said that the governing body determines public purpose.
H4. The council appointed three people to the three vacancies to Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful. Councilman Payne continued to insist that if a person wants to be on a board they should be present for their vote. There are now only two vacancies.
Diana Lentz, 6-1 passed
Samantha Peck, 7-0 passed
Robert Thompson, 6-1 passed
H5. The council appointed one person to the Cemetery Advisory Board. Ronnie Viss owns Scott Funeral Home and was not present. There is still one vacancy on the board.
Ronnie Viss, 6-1 passed
H6. The council appointed nine teenagers to the Youth Advisory Council (YAC). After the vote there are 22 vacancies on YAC. Most of the applicants were present and Payne voted for all them. Vote to appoint all applicants was 7-0
Kacy Carter
Jonathan Daley
Audrey Martin
Olivia Martin
Myranda Mayfield
Deceia Montoya
Haley Wang
Taylor Welch
Taylor Flores
H7. Jimmy Clarke and Wes Atkinson brought to council a Ft Hood land swap deal. By law, private entities can not do this with the Federal Government but can with the city. So Clarke and Atkinson will transfer to the city, then the city will transfer to Ft Hood, then in reverse. Clark and Atkinson will pay all fees for the transfers. Vote passed 7-0
H8. This is for prioritising street maintence in FY20 for Copperas Cove. Scott Osburn briefed the council for 30 minutes on this. He was extremely detailed and was hard to take notes on. Please review the slides on the agenda for this. The council setteled on the $708,000 package and it passed by a vote 7-0. Ray Payne asked that the city assess the roads for pipes before work is done.
H9. Scott Osburn brought to council on awarding a bid for the Northeast Waste Water Treatment Plant UV Disinfection Improvements including Alternate 1. The cost will be $734,650 for the project. Shauna Holmes asked the council about the size of the crane that will be used to move 24 inch valves. She was a crane operator in the Army. Vote passed 7-0
H10. Ms Beckman brought several changes for the FY20 Personnel Improvement Plan. Vote passed to 7-0
Summary of discussion:
4 new positions for Utility Department for upcoming changes.
H11. The council awarded 75 votes for Manning and 834 votes for Mayor Diaz for the Coryell Central Appraisal District. Vote 7-0
H12. The council awarded 75 votes for MIke Kriegal for the Lampasas Central Appraisal District. Vote 7-0
City Manager report:
The search for a city engineer is ongoing. Three interviews conducted, 1 person was offered position but declined due to salary.
The search for a Parks and Recreation Director is ongoing. Two rounds of interviews conducted, 1 offer was made to applicant, the city is waiting on a reply.
The search for IS Director is ongoing. There have been several rounds of interviews. There have been several offers made but all declined due to salary.
Business 190 Median Project update:
Near 100% design completion
Will present to council on Decemeber 3, 2019
Out for bids in March 2020
The idea was brought up to TxDOT about burying all cables was brought up. TxDOT said that it must be done before the Median Project or after it.
IN MY OPINION. It is not too late to cancel the 190 median project. The city finally admitted to the egregious and costly lapse of judgement and common sense of awarding FATHOM a contract, they can admit to an egregious lapse of judgement and CANCEL the plans for the destruction of our main thoroughfare by installing medians. We'll "eat" the cost incurred for the design plan. Better to swallow a little pellet now than to choke on a $hit sandwich later. ALL of the business owners along the 190 business corridor should have been asked how this fiasco will affect their business. And WE the citizens should have been offered the opportunity to VOTE on this issue.