Friday, August 30, 2019

Charlie Youngs resigns from council!

Charlie Youngs resigns from council!

On the Council agenda for Tuesday is Charlie Youngs resignation letter as of 24 Aug 2019. The next item is the agenda is the Special Election on 5 Nov 19 for Place 7.

His resignation comes from comments and actions that he made over the last month while in city council meetings. One of which was caught on video. Charlie and the bird video.

Here is his letter to the City Manager:


  1. Okay didn't he rescind this resignation and put it into the councils lap for this Tuesday's meeting? This is Mary Furey, not Denny commenting. Thank you.

  2. Yes at at first he did and then he thought about it and did not want to be a problem anymore and he formally resigned to the City Manager, Ryan Haverlah. Now there will be another special election to be held on November 5 to finish up his time on council.


Thank you for the message and concern for our city. We will be in touch with you.

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