Copperas Cove City Council and Workshop for June 4, 2019
The council:
Mayor Diaz-Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Charlie Youngs-Present
We are starting this blog with the workshop, that started at 5PM.
The council received an update about the 86th Legislative session, from Susan Ross. Susan Ross is the contracted lobbyist for Copperas Cove. The legislature meets every 2 years and only for 5 months. The governor can also call 30 day special sessions as long as there is a specific agenda, by law it can't be added to.
The Interim City Manager told the council property tax reform was the focus of the session, followed by the roll back tax rate, then education reform. The Ms. Ross briefed them on the following:
1. HB634 (Passed) and SB283 (Failed) was for expanding the communities eligible for reimbursement for the 100 percent VA benefit. If a veteran is rated 100 percent disabled by the VA, the do not have to pay any property taxes in Texas. It does not matter if it is combat or non-combat related. The only government entities that receive any portion back from Texas from the unfunded mandate are Copperas Cove, Killeen, Coryell County, and Bell County. The total amount is index for inflation. If the bills were approved it would add an additional 12 communities to the list for reimbursement and a share of the 20 million dollars. She said that Killeen's lobbying team worked against them so Killeen would not lose their share of the fund. She said it didn't make sense why would do that. She also said soon it would need to be modified.
2. SB65 (passed) prevent cities from hiring Contracted Lobbyist using tax payer funds. Copperas Cove might need, in the future, to go through TML to hire her. Susan Ross also stated "a Far Right group called the Freedom Caucus doesn't believe tax dollars should be spent on Contracted Lobbyist". Councilman Yancey called it rural vs urban.
3. SB2 establishes 3.5% as the threshold for an automatic roll back election, it was previously 8%. Copperas Cove City Council had passed a resolution opposing this measure. Editorial Comment: This is a victory for property owners but it doesn't prevent the council from raising fees!
4. HB 852 says that building permits can't be based on value of the structure. Ryan Haverlah said that very soon the council will need to relook at city fees. Editorial Comment: If this happens state wide, I can almost guarantee you that it will be taken care of during the next legislative session in two years.
5. The Interim City Manager and Ms Ross along with several members of the council expressed concern about the sunset of the Plumber's Board. The govern the training and licencing of all plumbers in Texas. They are hoping for a special session to deal with it. Editorial Comment: Governor Abbott said he should be able to extend it for 2 more years so it could be dealt with in the next session.
City Council meeting:
Nobody spoke at Citizen's Forum.
Consent Agenda:
Both items passed by a vote of 7-0. Marc Payne had requested for the May 21 workshop minutes item to be discussed separately, then he realized that the mistake he saw was in F2 but it had already passed. Editorial Comment: He could have requested reconsideration for the item so it could be fixed.
Public Hearing:
This is for amending the city budget for FY 18-19 anticipating end of year spending. There are many items on this so we are adding the actual summary for your review. This happens every year because the budget at the beginning of the Fiscal Year is based on estimates. Vote passed 7-0
Action Items:
1. Keith Sledd from the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance briefed the council on their efforts in Austin and Washington and to request a payment of $4250. Vote was 7-0 to pass.
2. Linda LaPierre from the Copperas Cove Five Hills Art Guild briefed the council on their 4th annual Art Festival at Ogletree Pass. There were over 2700 patrons that came out despite the weather, along with 50 artists for the fest. There were 50 hotel rooms rented for the weekend. The next Arts Festival will be March 28 and 29, 2020. They requested final HOT payment of $5232.93.
Vote passed 7-0.
3. The council by a vote of 7-0 appointed Commissioner Dustin Dewald to the Sign Regulations Workgroup Ad Hoc Committee.
4. The Interim City Manager is requesting the council approve a resolution for the intent on issuing Certificates of Obligation for 2019, totaling $8,320,000. Vote passed 7-0.
5. The council authorize the Police Chief to request an alternate funding grant for a DOJ grant for $48,000 to purchase Body Cams for his officers. Vote 6-0 for passage. Councilman Payne had left the chambers to go to the restroom and was still out when the vote occurred.
6. Fire Deputy Chief Young requested that the city allow him to trade in 32 obsolete radios for a trade-in value of $12,800. Vote passed 7-0. Marc was back for this one!
7. Fire Deputy Chief Young requested that the city allow him to purchase inter-operable radio equipment from Daley Wells Communications for a price of $73,342. It is a reimbursement grant so we will get all the money back. Vote passed 7-0.
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