The candidates:
Ron Nelson - Present
Joey Acfalle - Present
Bradi Dewald Diaz - Present
Brandi Weiand - Present
Council Members present:
Fred Chavez
Joann Courtland
Dan Yancey
Point Of Disclosure
"Speak Up!!! Copperas Cove"
will not endorse any candidate.
The Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce sponsored a voter's forum for the upcoming Special Election for Mayor. They organized it into two part like the VFW did on Saturday. The first hour was for all the candidates to "Meet and Greet" possible voters and present to them and attempt to earn their vote. The second part was for questions and answers. People were allowed to pre-write questions and five were drawn at a time and individually drawn. Ron Nelson drew the right to answer first. After the first four there was a break and then four more were asked.
"Question Time"
Candidate Introduction
Ron Nelson: He is a four year resident of Copperas Cove. Previously lived in Austin for ten years before being priced out of the area and found Copperas Cove. He is originally from Chicago. Ron is a member of the Maker's Club at the library. The death of our Mayor in December caused him to run for the seat.
Brandi Weiand: Worked at Central Texas College for ten years, including as a professor. Presently working on her double Master's Degree in Business and Culinary Arts. She prefers a small town environment. She wants to build on the foundation of past generations.
Bradi Dewald Diaz: She is a lifelong resident of Copperas Cove and received her college degree at Tarelton State. Started serving in the community in 1994. Bradi was elected to the City Council in 2002 and to Mayor in 2004 (She is the first woman and the youngest person to be elected mayor in the history of Copperas Cove). Some of the areas where she has served is the Economic Development Corporation, Economic Development Board, and the Chamber of Commerce. She wants to get back in and work with the community again to encourage growth.
Joey Acfalle: Joey is a 21 year military veteran (US Army and USMC). He was stationed at Fort Hood in 2010, retired from the Army in 2014, and stayed in Copperas Cove. He wants to continue to serve the community and is presently on the EDC and Board of Adjustments. He wants to move the city forward.
Question 1
Why did you decide to run?
Nelson: He saw a great need in the community and got out to see the different groups and committees to see what is going on in Copperas Cove. Win or lose; he said he's going to stay involved in the community.
Weiand: She spent most of her life in Copperas Cove. She is not here to talk but to listen and to help people. Brandi will use her skills here to bring progress to the community.
Diaz: Bradi was born and raised here and wants to be involved again. She wants to be involved in projects, in Copperas Cove. She looks forward to working with the different entities in Cove and she loves working with people.
Acfalle: He is a volunteer and wants to continue as Mayor. He will not just listen but will research problems and come up with solutions. He will go to CTCOG and continue to tell the story of Copperas Cove.
Question 2
What do you want Copperas Cove to look like in three years:
Nelson: He wants to continue to make the parks look better, Aldi's on the west side of town. He wants and knows that Cove can solve their own problems. Cove will be a prettier town. He wants real business' here (not another chicken joint). He said this will take time.
Weiand: Three years is not a lot of time. We need sustainability and business growth. Better education brings better everything else. She likes to research and plan and has a home town heart and is independent. Brandi is education focused.
Diaz: Bradi wants business' in the Business Park, park improvements need to finish. Copperas Cove needs the Multi-Modal Rail head, and a new streets program.
Acfalle: Three years is like being in the Army where you PCS in and three years later you PCS out. We need to get business in for jobs and tax revenue. How do you expect to pay for all these projects without money? He wants to continue with high voter turn out and community interest.
Question 3
Where is your favorite place to spend time in Copperas Cove?
Acfalle: He says where ever Lisa tells him to go! He likes to go to Ogletree Gap and City Park. Now that he is clear to do so, start playing golf. He will go any where and every where in Copperas Cove that helps people out.
Diaz: Friends and home (Family and Friends), Taco places!
Weiand: Likes food and to spend time around family and food. Started at Disney. Loves Lil Tex and the Hicks family. She has two Artic Huskies and likes to take them to Ogletree.
Nelson: He likes the new trails at Olgetree Gap. Ron is part of the work group building the hike and bike trails (non city affiliated). He loves his work shop will go anywhere he can volunteer.
Question 4
What are three way to help Copperas Cove?
Acfalle: Research community better to improve the community and family.
Diaz: Better relations between entities in the city, which will help everyone in the city. Responsible growth in the city (economic and residential). We need to get the Multi Modal Rail head.
Weiand: Work on relationships (functional work relationships). We need to work on family relationships, small town government foster more involvement, work smarter not harder.
Nelson: We need to do everything everyone else just said, be rational in discussion, be respectful. Right now, citizens don't feel they have a voice. Would love to have a Maker's space in the city (community workshop/library).

Question 5
Will you be willing to attend all events as out mayor?
Nelson: Absolutely yes. He has the time available like our previous mayor.
Weian: She has the time available even though she is in her Masters programs. Brandi is willing to travel to events and represents Cove to see the bigger picture. She loves to see the solar panels at Ft Hood.
Diaz: Bradi also said absolutely and it is imperative and will go in the community and region; and anything required she will go.
Acfalle: He also said yes. He will be at all activities, events, and meetings. If it will bring it influence to Copperas Cove, he will be there.
Question 6
How do you see Cove in health, thriving, and success?
Acfalle: Joey said it is in the eye of the beholder because there is always room to improve. It is healthy and growing and thriving. We are not Hood but Copperas Cove. Copperas Cove is the family place to be.
Diaz: She said yes to all three and said there is always room to improve.
Weiand: She also said there is room to improve. Thriving (not yet) but getting there. Healthy (personal opinion). Successful, yes.
Nelson: He said sometimes the mayor needs to bring the bad news, Financial; We are not good financially. Thriving; No, but getting along (go to Bastrop and see what they are doing). Successful; Yes, we created cool community and doing the best we can but realistically.
Question 7
What are your three reasons to be elected?
Nelson: He said he is hansom, well spoken, and caring.
Weiand: "What is the worst that can happen". She was raised here and Cove is home. Brandi wants to leave a better legacy. She has three Associate Degrees, three Bachelor Degrees, and working on two Master Degrees.
Diaz: She said that she has the experience and did a good job, she is passionate about Copperas Cove and has the leadership skill set for Copperas Cove.
Acfalle: He said volunteerism, being in the community, and being in good and bad experiences in order to go to the next level. He loves Copperas Cove.
Question 8
What are your plans for not neglecting the west side of Copperas Cove?
Acfalle: Joey wants to get the facts and issues then bring it back to council. It is hard to answer because the land belongs to others.. He will work with the Chamber of Commerce for help and the EDC for infrastructure.
Diaz: Bradi said we need a grocery on the west side of town. Economic development marketing; We are at the mercy of footprints of business traffic counts. When we show more traffic on west side, that will attract these larger businesses such as grocery stores.
Weiand: Brandi noted that the west side of Cove is the side away from Killeen. She doesn't know what the problem is. The west side is just as good as the east side. The mayor is a position of influence.
Nelson: He has heard a lot of people talk about all areas. from housetops, improving infrastructure, and that no part should be neglected. He also said we need a current traffic count from the north side.
Question 9
Explain the vision how you and council will bring more business to Copperas Cove not dependent on Ft Hood?
Nelson: We require certain skills proving that we can bring people with those skill and supply middle class wages.
Weiand: We have a shortage of skill trade workers and we need more of them. College doesn't mean success but only one part of it. We need more trade training.
Diaz She said we shouldn't depend on Ft hood but work with it. When we do that then the jobs will come.
Acfalle: He said this is a hard question. Joey agrees with Diaz and that Ft Hood is and asset. We need to work with Ft Hood and surrounding communities.
Question 10
What experience do you have in community groups and city projects?
Nelson: He has worked in the private corporate world and never with the government. Ron said he has led teams of all sizes. Some of the projects in our town need more people with more experience.
Weiand: The city problem; volunteers involves people who don't get along but she can bring people together. We need to find the right mix to get jobs done. Plans always change.
Diaz: She served on the first comprehensive plan in 1994, P and Z, Board of Adjustments, City Council, Mayor, Education Foundation, Heart of Texas Defense Alliance, Chamber of Commerce, Central Appraisal District.
Acfalle: Joey said be will involved fully and that the military is his experience, Community groups around the area, teen and adults abuse groups organizations. Joey is also a paralegal.
Question 11
What will you do to build the local economy in Copperas Cove but keep the small town feel?
Acfalle: Doesn't have enough facts to properly answer the question.
Diaz: She said we need economic development and that more business will cause Copperas Cove to grow more and believes Cove will always have the small town feel.
Weiand: She said she is not a career politician but need the heart (family feel) to grow and nurture the city. She said community gardens will help us out.
Nelson: He wants to find out what we really need for the city and to focus on the little things for destinations and tourism. He recommended a BBQ place. Cove need non traditional jobs.
Question 12
What have you done to educate yourself to the city budget and local government?
Weiand: Studying the city budget is easier said than done and needs to be approached with a business sense. Plan for the future and here for the future.
Diaz: She elaborated that she has been involved since 1994. Bradi has read the budget and understands it. She has attended all the council meeting except one since her announcement. She is familiarized with the different projects.
Nelson: He gets out to the community and at the boards, read the 600 page budget. He went through the master plans and spoke to some of the writers.
Acfalle: He stated that he would do it like the rest of the candidates. He would continue to be involved and learn. He looks for challenges in the community. The budget is a story in itself and would bring the information back to the community.
Candidate Forum Part 1 of 2
Candidate Forum Part 2 of 2
Early voting is April 10-23, 2019, and will be at the Coryell County Justice Center, 210 South 1st Street. On Saturday, April 27, voting will be at the same place.
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