Happy 140th, Copperas Cove!
Mrs Linda Ledger
was the guest speaker and gave the attendees about a 10 minute summary on the
history of Copperas Cove. She said that we as the citizens of our city need to be prepared for the 150th (Sesquicentennial) birthday.

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Councilman Dan Yancey cutting the cake. |
Special City Council Meeting on March 25, 2019 (Before the birthday party)
The Council:
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Charlie Youngs-Absent
Mayoral Candidates:
Bradi Dewald Diaz-Present
Ron Nelson-Present
Joey Acfalle-Present
Brandi Weiand-Absent
The Agenda:
The purpose of the special meeting was due to the late delivery of the city's Fiscal Year 2018 Comprehensive Financial Report. During the last council meeting wanted the opportunity to review the report in detail. Jay Manning was reassured that the grammatical errors would be corrected before publication. Marc Payne was busy thumbing through the manual the entire time.
The vote was 5-1 (Payne opposed it).
Planning and Zone Commission for March 25, 2019
Bob Martin-Present
Ken Thomas-Present
Rob Endter-Present
Adam Martin-Absent
Howard Hawk-Present
Dale Treadway-Present
Mayoral Candidates:
Bradi Dewald Diaz-Absent
Ron Nelson-Present
Joey Acfalle-Present
Brandi Weiand-Absent
The Agenda:
There were three public hearings for the meeting:
Public Hearing #1 dealt with a requested rezoning on 1501 Canyon Drive (Private Road). The owner (who is presently overseas) is request that his property be completely zoned R-1 so he can build a home on it. He no representation at the hearing. It is presently zoned R-1 and B-4, which means a future business could possibly relocate there. Six speakers showed up to speak against the rezoning. They told the commission that he has placed the property for sale and don't believe he will build only one home on it or just outright sell it. There were concerns of vehicular access, power access, right of way, easement. The commissioners voted 5-0 to table for 30 days.
Public Hearing #2 dealt with the rezoning of 1006 S 9th Street, from B-2 to R-1. Kid's World Day Care closed and she wishes to return the property to a home. She tried to sell it for four years and one buyer backed out. Vote was 5-0.
Public Hearing #3 dealt with the rezoning of 605 S Main St from R-3 to B-3. When rezoned it would make the entire block B-3 and would be more attractive to future business. Vote was 5-0.
The action item is continued from the last meeting which was tabled. A Conditional Use Permit is being request for 504 S 1st for a convenience store. The owner revised his proposed site plan to get approval from the P and Z. He reduced the building size to 1750 square feet and has 7 parking spaces. He added fencing and fence high lighting for security. He also said delivery will not be an issue. Mr Martin told the owner he received four letters in opposition to the permit. There was a motion to forward to city council approval but it failed to get a 2nd and it died on the table. Then there was a motion to reject the Conditional Use Permit and send to council. It passed 3-2.
The last action item was for the Ranches at Live Oak. It is located in the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of Copperas Cove. There are requesting a final Plat for nine lots on a 21.56 acre plot of land. Mr Dewald was present for questions. It passed 5-0.
This is your summary of almost three hours of city meetings and function on Monday.
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