The Campaign Finance Reports were supplied by the the City Secretary through a Freedom Of Information Request.
Copperas Cove City Council Place 1
Joann Courtland Cheryl Meredith
30 Days Filed Yes $500 modified
8 Days Filed No Yes
Final Yes Yes
Place 1 Summary: Mrs Meredith spent only $629 on her campaign. Mrs Courtland spent $3152.32 on her campaign. Neither candidate raised any donations for the run for city council. The result was Courtland defeating Meredith.
Copperas Cove City Council Place 2
James Pierce Jr Fred Chavez
30 Days Filed Yes Yes
8 Days Filed Yes Yes
Final Yes No
Place 2 Summary: Mr Chavez raised $2902.83 and spent $2539 for his campaign. He did not file a Final Report which is required unless he is going to file quarterly reports in which he missed that deadline, also. Mr Pierce raised $4398 for his campaign and spent $4369.45. Mr Chavez defeated Mr Pierce.
Copperas Cove Mayor
Azeita Taylor Joe Acfalle
30 Days Filed Yes Yes
8 Days Filed Yes Yes
Final N/A Yes
8 Days Filed No
Final No
Mayor summary: Mr Acfalle raised $50 for his campaign and spent $97.43. He did not receive enough votes to advance to the run-off. Mrs Taylor lent her campaign $110 and used her credit card spending $487.13. She did not file any reports for the run-off election, which is required. She ended up in a run-off election with the Mayor and lost in the run-off. I didn't request the Mayor's CFR due to circumstances.
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