VFW Voter Forum video
City Council
Place 3:
Dan Yancey- Present
Dario Eubank- Present
Jayme Sigler- Present
Place 4:
Jay Manning- Present
Matt Russell- Present
Benjamin Beck- Absent
Place 5:
Dianne Yoho Campbell- Present
Gary Kent- Absent
Place 7 (Special):
Terri Deans- Present
Jack Smith- Present
Mike Wilburn (Unopposed)- Absent
Joan Manning (Unopposed)- Present
Place 5:
Harry Byrd- Present
Jeff Gorres- Present
Thank you to the approximately 60 people that came out to listen to the candidates today. Thank you to the VFW 8577 for allowing this forum to happen. Sometimes it is hard to find out information on local candidates. "Speak Up!!! Copperas Cove", Killeen Daily Herald, Copperas Cove Leader Press, and Cove Banner were all present representing the press. Ben Beck and Gary Kent were not at the forum and Mike Wilburn was not able to make it either. He let the VFW know in advance.
FYI, I learned that cameras that do video stop recording at 28 minutes, so I spliced 4 videos together. I am pretty sure I got about 98% of the forum.
Question 1 was about the preservation of Copperas Cove society and using the Allen House to help in doing so.
Question 2 was about transparency during the resent search for our city manager in relation to the recent search for a city manager in Killeen (both cities used the same firm and used different processes).
Question 3 was how they would help the Economic Development Corporation on development on the west side of town.
Question 4 was for the CCISD candidates dealt with trustee packets and preparing for board meetings.
Question 5 was about transparency of transportation plans for the north side of Copperas Cove because of traffic congestion.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Digital Sign And More Vacancies At The EDC
The Digital Sign And More Vacancies At The EDC
The Board:
Adam Martin-Present
Joey Acfalle-Present
Jay Jackson-Present
Rick Kirkpatrick-Absent
Jeremy Tate- Absent (This is before we were told that he had resigned)
Council Liaison:
Marc Payne-Absent
Candidates for Council 3, 4, 5, 7:
There were no candidates present
Citizen's Forum:
No speakers
Consent Agenda:
The minutes from September 25 were approved by a vote of 3-0.
Action Items:
Every October the EDC Board of Directors must re-elected the leadership of the current board. Here are the results:
Chair- Adam Martin Vote 3-0
Vice Chair- Joey Acfalle Vote 3-0
Secretary- Jay Jackson Vote 3-0
The monthly meeting as per their bylaws state that the EDC will meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Thanksgiving and Christmas will interfere with that schedule. The BoD voted 3-0 to adjust the meetings. The meeting in November will be changed to the 20th and the meeting in December will be on the 18th.
Two weeks ago the Copperas Cove EDC received notification from Jeremy Tate of his request to resign from the board. It was accepted by a vote of 3-0. The city has already posted the vacancy,
For several years there has been a non-functioning digital sign over by Chick-Fil-A. It is owned by the CCEDC. There have been many attempts to repair it and after we found out that the parts were not repairable and propitiatory there was an attempt to litigate it for the loss. All of that fell through and a few months ago, Endevour offered to by the sign and the little plot of land that goes with it. The final sale price was $25,000 and was approved by a vote of 3-0.
There was an executive session with nothing to report.
The Board:
Adam Martin-Present
Joey Acfalle-Present
Jay Jackson-Present
Rick Kirkpatrick-Absent
Jeremy Tate- Absent (This is before we were told that he had resigned)
Council Liaison:
Marc Payne-Absent
Candidates for Council 3, 4, 5, 7:
There were no candidates present
Citizen's Forum:
No speakers
Consent Agenda:
The minutes from September 25 were approved by a vote of 3-0.
Action Items:
Every October the EDC Board of Directors must re-elected the leadership of the current board. Here are the results:
Chair- Adam Martin Vote 3-0
Vice Chair- Joey Acfalle Vote 3-0
Secretary- Jay Jackson Vote 3-0
The monthly meeting as per their bylaws state that the EDC will meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Thanksgiving and Christmas will interfere with that schedule. The BoD voted 3-0 to adjust the meetings. The meeting in November will be changed to the 20th and the meeting in December will be on the 18th.
Two weeks ago the Copperas Cove EDC received notification from Jeremy Tate of his request to resign from the board. It was accepted by a vote of 3-0. The city has already posted the vacancy,
For several years there has been a non-functioning digital sign over by Chick-Fil-A. It is owned by the CCEDC. There have been many attempts to repair it and after we found out that the parts were not repairable and propitiatory there was an attempt to litigate it for the loss. All of that fell through and a few months ago, Endevour offered to by the sign and the little plot of land that goes with it. The final sale price was $25,000 and was approved by a vote of 3-0.
There was an executive session with nothing to report.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Bathrooms at the Parks update
Quality of Life Advisory Board meeting for October 17, 2019
QOL Board members:
Adam Redmond-Present
Marcie Lowery-Absent
Cheryl Keilman-Present
Robert Sizemore-Present
Craig Foster-Present
Dustin Phipps-Absent
Rachel Baker-Present
Council Liaison:
Fred Chavez-Absent
Council Candidates present:
Dianne Campbell
Citizen's Forum:
No speakers
Consent Agenda:
The Board approved the minutes from the last meeting.
The Agenda:
1. Discussion and update on the 2019 Fall-O-Ween Festival. Ashley Wilson briefed the board on the upcoming event for the city. This is the first event for the city after the Tourism Department was moved to the Chamber of Commerce. It will be on October 19 from 5pm-8pm at the City Park. Parking is $5 per car. She said there will be 9 food trucks, including the the winning food truck at this year's Food Truck Festival, "Gringos Locos Tacos". Also, there will, be a costume contest and LOTS of candy. At 830pm, there will be a showing of "Hocus Pocus".
Mr Keller asked us to put out that if you have children ages 14-18 and want to help volunteer in the city, there is the Youth Activities Council (YAC). They have over 20 openings to fill. Parks and Rec at the Civic Center have application.
2. The board will send to the City Council a change in their bylaws allowing them to fill unexpected vacancies with their alternates. As of now, the three alternates were only used by Alt 1 filling seats 1-3, Alt 2 filling seats 4-6, and Alt 3 filling seats 7-8.
3. CIP Update.
Phase I is almost complete with the Rhode Park parking lot scheduled to include the entryway. Improved drainage at Heritage park will be completed. Change 11 was just passed by the city council, it provided Phase III funds ($120,728) to reconstruct the existing parking lot which had no base and 1 inch of asphalt on it with 8 inch base and 2 inches of asphalt. This is TxDOT standard.
The bathrooms are finally about to be done. There will be three new bathrooms at City Park (Field 4, Field 8, and by the playground). The bathroom at South Park will be completely renovated. Bids will be accepted from October 18-22 and will be at the council for the second meeting in November. The chosen contractor must start within 10 days and be complete in 60-90 days. The total cost will be $378,000.
Phase III discussions will begin soon.
HEB recently started talks with the city about how they can help with projects in the parks. Talks are ongoing. This will be a real help to the city.
There are currently 5 openings on the Quality Of Life Advisory board (4 expiring and 1 vacancy). Applications are due to the city by October 21. See the city secretary and apply online at the following link: Application
QOL Board members:
Adam Redmond-Present
Marcie Lowery-Absent
Cheryl Keilman-Present
Robert Sizemore-Present
Craig Foster-Present
Dustin Phipps-Absent
Rachel Baker-Present
Council Liaison:
Fred Chavez-Absent
Council Candidates present:
Dianne Campbell
Citizen's Forum:
No speakers
Consent Agenda:
The Board approved the minutes from the last meeting.
The Agenda:
1. Discussion and update on the 2019 Fall-O-Ween Festival. Ashley Wilson briefed the board on the upcoming event for the city. This is the first event for the city after the Tourism Department was moved to the Chamber of Commerce. It will be on October 19 from 5pm-8pm at the City Park. Parking is $5 per car. She said there will be 9 food trucks, including the the winning food truck at this year's Food Truck Festival, "Gringos Locos Tacos". Also, there will, be a costume contest and LOTS of candy. At 830pm, there will be a showing of "Hocus Pocus".
Mr Keller asked us to put out that if you have children ages 14-18 and want to help volunteer in the city, there is the Youth Activities Council (YAC). They have over 20 openings to fill. Parks and Rec at the Civic Center have application.
2. The board will send to the City Council a change in their bylaws allowing them to fill unexpected vacancies with their alternates. As of now, the three alternates were only used by Alt 1 filling seats 1-3, Alt 2 filling seats 4-6, and Alt 3 filling seats 7-8.
3. CIP Update.
Phase I is almost complete with the Rhode Park parking lot scheduled to include the entryway. Improved drainage at Heritage park will be completed. Change 11 was just passed by the city council, it provided Phase III funds ($120,728) to reconstruct the existing parking lot which had no base and 1 inch of asphalt on it with 8 inch base and 2 inches of asphalt. This is TxDOT standard.
The bathrooms are finally about to be done. There will be three new bathrooms at City Park (Field 4, Field 8, and by the playground). The bathroom at South Park will be completely renovated. Bids will be accepted from October 18-22 and will be at the council for the second meeting in November. The chosen contractor must start within 10 days and be complete in 60-90 days. The total cost will be $378,000.
Phase III discussions will begin soon.
HEB recently started talks with the city about how they can help with projects in the parks. Talks are ongoing. This will be a real help to the city.
There are currently 5 openings on the Quality Of Life Advisory board (4 expiring and 1 vacancy). Applications are due to the city by October 21. See the city secretary and apply online at the following link: Application
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
City Council meeting for October 15, 2019
City Council meeting for October 15, 2019
The Council:
Mayor Bradi Diaz-Absent (Sick)
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Place 3 Candidates
Jayme Sigler- Absent
Dario Eubank-Absent
Place 4 Candidates
Matt Russell- Present
Benjamin Beck- Absent
Gary Kent- Absent
Place 7 (Unexpired Term) Candidates
Jack Smith-Present
Terri Deans-Absent (Husband sick)
Good evening, Copperas Cove! This is the last council meeting prior to the November 5, 2019 elections. Early voting starts on October 21 and all early voting will take place at the Coryell County annex. Do your research, write the candidates, call them on the phone. This is your responsibility. Remember that just being an incumbent doesn't mean you are the best for the job. There is always someone better but good luck to all. You will not see any endorsements here. Here is the video from the 1st Voter's Forum. The 2nd one will be at the VFW at 1pm, on October 26.
Citizens Forum:
Lynn Golden- She is the Manager of Patriot Cache Storage wanted to tell the council how they manage big rig truck parking. They started in 2016 with 20 parking spots along with 28 vehicles on a wait list. The charge is $117 per month or $10 per night.
Clyde Glossom- He congratulated the city and staff on their work with the 2019 city budget.
Alyssa Maynard- She wanted to thank the city for their partnership with the Military Affairs Committee and the last dinner of the year at the Civic Center.
George McMaster- George thanked the city for the increased waterflow on Oakhill Dr.
Consent Agenda:
There were two items for meeting minutes. Item 3 is for an agreement for Copperas Cove Athletic Officials Association and Parks and Recreation. Item 4 is for allowing C and C Sporting Goods to supply sports uniforms. Vote to pass 6-0.
Public Hearing:
Bobby Lewis brought to the the council a newly revised update for the Comprehensive Plan Update that would amend the 2007 Comprehensive Plan. This was tabled last month and was tabled again tonight. The city manager said the plan shows the city 20-25 in the future and the update is done every 5-7 years. Lewis said the he had received some comments from citizens but did not say how many or read any of them to the council. Jay Manning dove into section 4.5, which deals with downtown Copperas Cove. He said the plan will not work until the downtown section is properly revised. He recommended the they hold a workshop to fix all the issues before there is a vote. The city manager that it needed to be done soon but if it takes a workshop to move forward then he is for it. Dan Yancey recommended ELECTION night. Councilman Fred Chavez said that it was a bad day for him because he was going to be an "Election Worker" during that time. Editorial Comment: It is illegal for and elected person to do this, see Qualifying Voters on Election Day ( Section C, Paragraph 2, Subsection C, Page 15). Everyone settled for November 7 at 7PM. The item was tabled.
Action Items:
H1. This item is to allow the city manager to execute a Developer Participation Agreement with 4JC Partners to construct a roadway as part of the Southwest Water Improvement Project and facilitate the future development of the Valley at Great Hills subdivision. 4JC Partners will maintain the road until Phase 2 of the project is started and save the city about $160,000. The subdivision will be located at US 190 and Big Divide. Vote to pass 6-0.
H2. This item goes with H1 and provides design services with Trihydro for the Southwest Water Improvement, Phase II and III. Vote to Pass 6-0.
H3. Change Order 11 came before the council for the existing parking lot at Ogletree Gap. The vote is needed because this contract will surpass the $25,000 above the original contract and needed council approval. After the new parking lot was poured at the back end of the old parking lot it was noticed the the old lot had failed. Nobody new that the old lot did not have a base and the asphalt was only one inch thick. The new lot will be two inches thick. The cost to taxpayers will be $120,728. Marc Payne asked why did this happen? Vote to pass 6-0.
H4. With the vacancy of Place 7 several committee spots came open. Marc Payne will be the liaison at the EDC, Fred Chavez will be on the Audit committee, the Mayor will be the liaison on the Housing Authority, and Jay Manning will be on the Sign Ordinance Committee. No vote was taken.
There was no action taken for any items in Executive Session:
1. Personnel matter with legal counsel
2. Lawsuit with Maverick Music
3. Legal advise for a possible panhandling ordinance.
The Council:
Mayor Bradi Diaz-Absent (Sick)
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Place 3 Candidates
Jayme Sigler- Absent
Dario Eubank-Absent
Place 4 Candidates
Matt Russell- Present
Benjamin Beck- Absent
Place 5 Candidates
Dianne Campbell- Present Gary Kent- Absent
Place 7 (Unexpired Term) Candidates
Jack Smith-Present
Terri Deans-Absent (Husband sick)
Good evening, Copperas Cove! This is the last council meeting prior to the November 5, 2019 elections. Early voting starts on October 21 and all early voting will take place at the Coryell County annex. Do your research, write the candidates, call them on the phone. This is your responsibility. Remember that just being an incumbent doesn't mean you are the best for the job. There is always someone better but good luck to all. You will not see any endorsements here. Here is the video from the 1st Voter's Forum. The 2nd one will be at the VFW at 1pm, on October 26.
Citizens Forum:
Lynn Golden- She is the Manager of Patriot Cache Storage wanted to tell the council how they manage big rig truck parking. They started in 2016 with 20 parking spots along with 28 vehicles on a wait list. The charge is $117 per month or $10 per night.
Clyde Glossom- He congratulated the city and staff on their work with the 2019 city budget.
Alyssa Maynard- She wanted to thank the city for their partnership with the Military Affairs Committee and the last dinner of the year at the Civic Center.
George McMaster- George thanked the city for the increased waterflow on Oakhill Dr.
Consent Agenda:
There were two items for meeting minutes. Item 3 is for an agreement for Copperas Cove Athletic Officials Association and Parks and Recreation. Item 4 is for allowing C and C Sporting Goods to supply sports uniforms. Vote to pass 6-0.
Public Hearing:
Bobby Lewis brought to the the council a newly revised update for the Comprehensive Plan Update that would amend the 2007 Comprehensive Plan. This was tabled last month and was tabled again tonight. The city manager said the plan shows the city 20-25 in the future and the update is done every 5-7 years. Lewis said the he had received some comments from citizens but did not say how many or read any of them to the council. Jay Manning dove into section 4.5, which deals with downtown Copperas Cove. He said the plan will not work until the downtown section is properly revised. He recommended the they hold a workshop to fix all the issues before there is a vote. The city manager that it needed to be done soon but if it takes a workshop to move forward then he is for it. Dan Yancey recommended ELECTION night. Councilman Fred Chavez said that it was a bad day for him because he was going to be an "Election Worker" during that time. Editorial Comment: It is illegal for and elected person to do this, see Qualifying Voters on Election Day ( Section C, Paragraph 2, Subsection C, Page 15). Everyone settled for November 7 at 7PM. The item was tabled.
Action Items:
H1. This item is to allow the city manager to execute a Developer Participation Agreement with 4JC Partners to construct a roadway as part of the Southwest Water Improvement Project and facilitate the future development of the Valley at Great Hills subdivision. 4JC Partners will maintain the road until Phase 2 of the project is started and save the city about $160,000. The subdivision will be located at US 190 and Big Divide. Vote to pass 6-0.
H2. This item goes with H1 and provides design services with Trihydro for the Southwest Water Improvement, Phase II and III. Vote to Pass 6-0.
H3. Change Order 11 came before the council for the existing parking lot at Ogletree Gap. The vote is needed because this contract will surpass the $25,000 above the original contract and needed council approval. After the new parking lot was poured at the back end of the old parking lot it was noticed the the old lot had failed. Nobody new that the old lot did not have a base and the asphalt was only one inch thick. The new lot will be two inches thick. The cost to taxpayers will be $120,728. Marc Payne asked why did this happen? Vote to pass 6-0.
H4. With the vacancy of Place 7 several committee spots came open. Marc Payne will be the liaison at the EDC, Fred Chavez will be on the Audit committee, the Mayor will be the liaison on the Housing Authority, and Jay Manning will be on the Sign Ordinance Committee. No vote was taken.
There was no action taken for any items in Executive Session:
1. Personnel matter with legal counsel
2. Lawsuit with Maverick Music
3. Legal advise for a possible panhandling ordinance.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Chamber of Commerce City Council Voter Forum
Chamber of Commerce City Council Voter Forum
Candidates Present:
Place 3
Dan Yancey
Jayme Sigler
Dario Eubank
Place 4
Jay Manning
Matt Russell
Place 5
Dianne Campbell
Gary Kent
Place 7
Jack Smith
Terri Deans
We would like to thank all the candidates that sacrificed their time and came out tonight.
Place 4 candidate Ben Beck did not show up to the forum and has not been to any meetings or functions since he filed for election.
Thank you to the 95 citizens that came out for the forum on Wednesday. It shows there is a lot of interest in the upcoming election. Copperas Cove has of 19,000 registered voters. If we have a 25 percent turn-out there would be 4,750 voters to direct Copperas Cove which direction it needs to go. Our next forum will be at 1PM, on October 26, at the VFW 8577.
Rough notes from questions and answers. The question and corresponding answers are color-coded.
1 History and Infrastructure make a priority
2 Making priority for small business
3 Changing city current direction
4 Support economic
5 Want better parks how do we pay
6 Feeling on fathom and city manager
7 Have a function community central and senior center
8 Factory for 18 and older for people who don't want to go to college and military
9 Experience with planning and zoning
Terri Deans- Place 7
1 Yes but build infrastructure cleaned up first.
2 Support, take a look at ordinance, and not grant exception be fair across the board
3 Right direction, let past go, admit mistakes support city give but listening to the people and must work together.
4 Headed in right direction,
5 Want to see better stuff but not raising taxing, grants, sponsors ships,
6 Renegotiate the contract. Make them do right by us and move forward
7 Senior have paid their dues they deserve a place of their own
.8 Trades school are available, we must take care of younger people. And tone their skills
9 None but will seek council and will learn
Dario Eubank- Place 3
1 Don't put off
2- Look at EDC and Titus, look at the closed business.
3 Council must stick to a blueprint, and must talk to the citizens
4 Deregulation, being a cheerleader for cove, stop taxing business
5 Council must prioritize the items we have money, grants.
6 Keep it in-house and make it a regulation
7 Yes, re-purposed a building and create one.
8 Put a industry in cove
9 None, learn and will seek answers
Jack Smith- Place 7
1 Put a museum, have city council help fund it
2 Didn't really say
3 City going in right direction. Park must be priority, kids must get out to park,
4 Support the EDC and chamber work with the council to make council write better regulations
5 Grow revenue or taxes, paying more taxes
6 Just work with them,
7 Yes the are important,
8 You can go to any company you can get hired.
9 Served on board of cadence, been to to planning and zoning meeting
Dan Yancey- Place 3
1 Is very important, but money is involved find which way to go then go,
2 Taking care of rules and regulations
3 City going in right direction everything is going good.
4 Rewriting regulations, work with partners in region,
5 Agree with several, but proper growth.
6 Fathom has best interested in
7 Yes important, he is their,
8 Its a big shortages not enough of the trades, they must be help to learn.
9 Working with customers to be things zoned, have no problem seeking info
Dianne Campbell- Place 5
1 People want to come in to a community that's quaint and charming, bring back tourism,
2 Make business friendly cultural
3 Agreed with Yancey everyone came together and was making city better
4 Look at ordinance to bring in business shop in cove we all have a part, write. Plans
5 Not in favor of raising taxes bring in more business, grants, bringing in revenue
6 Hold them to the fire,
7 Yes support it, they need a sense of purpose and this will help that.
8 Constructions there is a lot of opportunities for a job,
9 None known for digging deep and getting guidance
Jay Manning- Place 4
1 Works on it everyday,
2 Writing good rules
3 City and school and EDC didn't work together. Now we must find common ground
4 Business take care of themselves.5
No single answer,
6 Moving on,
7 Believe all segments are important,
8 There are many jobs and few people to do it, and show up on time, the opportunity out there
9 2 terms served on planning and zoning
Matt Russell- Place 4
1 Cove was known for a lot now we are not we don't honor tradition,
2 Standardize building ordinance, EDC must get involved, 75 vacant business
3 EDC hasn't done anything,
4 Agree with manning, but EDC must step up
5 Agree with manning, EDC has to approve projects. And voters must approve
6 Push Fathom farther,
7 We must take care of seniors, value we can't lose that
8 CCISD need to change mindset from it to college isn't for everyone.
9 Yes been around it,
Gary Kent- Place 5
1 Will make it one priority but build the infrastructures
2 Most was said but support, be a partnership.
3 Bring in business.we need to good to great we must work harder. We must work together with the citizens.
4 Agree with manning, don't tell a business how to run a business,
5 Pay with grants, citizens must come together to help.
6 Monitor the deal if not good then make a better deal to the city. Do what's best for Copperas Cove.
7 Yes and yes we will be there one day
8 We need to do more in school to help make those career and objects can be met. You will have to do some type of study.
9 Have listened to P&Z so yes
Jayme Sigler- Place 4
1 History must be preserved must have a link to the past
2 Bringing new business, listening to current, and listen to the business owners.
3 Want people to feel unity with the government and more from the people, public safety a priority and sidewalks
4 Speak with people who do know, don't know much
5 Sales tax reduce spending on money that's not important citizens can pay for it
6 Work with the company and hold them account able, get rid of the council members who did vote for it.
7 Yes we all need to be community and not be isolated. Family is community- city motto
9 None but will seek council
Rough quotes from the candidates:
Dan Yancey
Proper growth through orderly development
Jayme Sigler
Bring, keep, and support small business
Sidewalks need to be a priority
I don't have the experience but will seek out counsel by those who do
Dario Eubank
We have to attract business to Cove
We must prioritize projects on a 5 year plan and go after grants
Jay Manning
Sign Ordinance is a problem
Subdivision Ordinance is a problem
We need to be a family and work together
All segments of society are important
Matt Russell
75 vacant business building in Cove
EDC needs to place quality of life projects on the ballot yearly
Senior Citizens need a place to enjoy and be worth while
Dianne Campbell
Make Cove more business friendly
We need to work together to make Cove better
Not in favor of raising property taxes
I would support a Senior Citizen Center
Gary Kent
Go from good to great
Jack Smith
We either grow the revenue or raise taxes
We have a great Development Services person for city named Bobby Lewis
Terri Deans
Infrastructure should be cleaned up before history preservation starts
If we support small business, they will stay and more will come
Leave the past behind and move forward
Yall know how I feel about Fathom
These are the questions submitted but not chosen in the draw (We encourage any candidates reading this to submit their answers to as many of these as they would like, and we will share them):
1. How will you work to increase job opportunities for our community?
2. What are your plans to attract and retain new business?
3. What do you believe is the role of a council member? What unique qualities would you bring to that role?
4. What are the most important challenges facing our community and how do you propose to address them?
5. Do you think our Main St/ downtown is healthy? If not, what will you do to help change it?
6.Why do you think we need a median in Business 190?
7. If you don't get get elected, would you consider serving on a municipal committee such as Board of Adjustments, P&Z, Cemetery, Quality of Life, Etc?
8. Between Fathom and the 190 Median Project, citizens didn't want these projects. The current city council members approved these projects anyways. Thanks to this there is mistrust and the citizens feel like their voices aren't being heard, anymore. How would you gain the citizens trust back and make us feel like we are being heard?
9. There was a lot of talk about bringing business and deregulating for business. What would you do to bring in and keep residents to Copperas Cove and how would you propose looking out for the residents?
10. How important is transparency about city matters between you as city government and the citizens that you represent?
11. If there is an ordinance requiring homeowners to maintain sidewalks in front of homes, is there some sort of reimbursement for the expense, considering cost for concrete and cost of labor? Shouldn't repairs be the city's responsibility since the sidewalks are considered a public route? Or can I have a no trespassing sign posted?
12. In 60 seconds or less give your platform on what you stand for?
13. How do you plan to sustain the current housing boom without adding family oriented entertainment and additional shopping options?
14. How do you anticipate assisting the Chamber of Commerce expand tourism?
15. Would you work to rebuild the downtown like Temple and Waco (Chip and Jo Silos)? Older buildings like the Silos, the revitalized grain silos in Gatesville or old Lampasas are tourist attractions.
16. Did you vote for Ave D redo?
17. How would you, while on council, make it possible for small business to excel and succeed? Chapter 20-28 in the City Ordinance says a home based business in an R-1 can't have any employees at the house but most small business' have less than 5 employees and can't afford a storefront yet and do not sell or manufacture from the residence. Most small business are veteran owned!
Candidates Present:
Place 3
Dan Yancey
Jayme Sigler
Dario Eubank
Place 4
Jay Manning
Matt Russell
Place 5
Dianne Campbell
Gary Kent
Place 7
Jack Smith
Terri Deans
We would like to thank all the candidates that sacrificed their time and came out tonight.
Place 4 candidate Ben Beck did not show up to the forum and has not been to any meetings or functions since he filed for election.
Thank you to the 95 citizens that came out for the forum on Wednesday. It shows there is a lot of interest in the upcoming election. Copperas Cove has of 19,000 registered voters. If we have a 25 percent turn-out there would be 4,750 voters to direct Copperas Cove which direction it needs to go. Our next forum will be at 1PM, on October 26, at the VFW 8577.
Rough notes from questions and answers. The question and corresponding answers are color-coded.
1 History and Infrastructure make a priority
2 Making priority for small business
3 Changing city current direction
4 Support economic
5 Want better parks how do we pay
6 Feeling on fathom and city manager
7 Have a function community central and senior center
8 Factory for 18 and older for people who don't want to go to college and military
9 Experience with planning and zoning
Terri Deans- Place 7
1 Yes but build infrastructure cleaned up first.
2 Support, take a look at ordinance, and not grant exception be fair across the board
3 Right direction, let past go, admit mistakes support city give but listening to the people and must work together.
4 Headed in right direction,
5 Want to see better stuff but not raising taxing, grants, sponsors ships,
6 Renegotiate the contract. Make them do right by us and move forward
7 Senior have paid their dues they deserve a place of their own
.8 Trades school are available, we must take care of younger people. And tone their skills
9 None but will seek council and will learn
Dario Eubank- Place 3
1 Don't put off
2- Look at EDC and Titus, look at the closed business.
3 Council must stick to a blueprint, and must talk to the citizens
4 Deregulation, being a cheerleader for cove, stop taxing business
5 Council must prioritize the items we have money, grants.
6 Keep it in-house and make it a regulation
7 Yes, re-purposed a building and create one.
8 Put a industry in cove
9 None, learn and will seek answers
Jack Smith- Place 7
1 Put a museum, have city council help fund it
2 Didn't really say
3 City going in right direction. Park must be priority, kids must get out to park,
4 Support the EDC and chamber work with the council to make council write better regulations
5 Grow revenue or taxes, paying more taxes
6 Just work with them,
7 Yes the are important,
8 You can go to any company you can get hired.
9 Served on board of cadence, been to to planning and zoning meeting
Dan Yancey- Place 3
1 Is very important, but money is involved find which way to go then go,
2 Taking care of rules and regulations
3 City going in right direction everything is going good.
4 Rewriting regulations, work with partners in region,
5 Agree with several, but proper growth.
6 Fathom has best interested in
7 Yes important, he is their,
8 Its a big shortages not enough of the trades, they must be help to learn.
9 Working with customers to be things zoned, have no problem seeking info
Dianne Campbell- Place 5
1 People want to come in to a community that's quaint and charming, bring back tourism,
2 Make business friendly cultural
3 Agreed with Yancey everyone came together and was making city better
4 Look at ordinance to bring in business shop in cove we all have a part, write. Plans
5 Not in favor of raising taxes bring in more business, grants, bringing in revenue
6 Hold them to the fire,
7 Yes support it, they need a sense of purpose and this will help that.
8 Constructions there is a lot of opportunities for a job,
9 None known for digging deep and getting guidance
Jay Manning- Place 4
1 Works on it everyday,
2 Writing good rules
3 City and school and EDC didn't work together. Now we must find common ground
4 Business take care of themselves.5
No single answer,
6 Moving on,
7 Believe all segments are important,
8 There are many jobs and few people to do it, and show up on time, the opportunity out there
9 2 terms served on planning and zoning
Matt Russell- Place 4
1 Cove was known for a lot now we are not we don't honor tradition,
2 Standardize building ordinance, EDC must get involved, 75 vacant business
3 EDC hasn't done anything,
4 Agree with manning, but EDC must step up
5 Agree with manning, EDC has to approve projects. And voters must approve
6 Push Fathom farther,
7 We must take care of seniors, value we can't lose that
8 CCISD need to change mindset from it to college isn't for everyone.
9 Yes been around it,
Gary Kent- Place 5
1 Will make it one priority but build the infrastructures
2 Most was said but support, be a partnership.
3 Bring in business.we need to good to great we must work harder. We must work together with the citizens.
4 Agree with manning, don't tell a business how to run a business,
5 Pay with grants, citizens must come together to help.
6 Monitor the deal if not good then make a better deal to the city. Do what's best for Copperas Cove.
7 Yes and yes we will be there one day
8 We need to do more in school to help make those career and objects can be met. You will have to do some type of study.
9 Have listened to P&Z so yes
Jayme Sigler- Place 4
1 History must be preserved must have a link to the past
2 Bringing new business, listening to current, and listen to the business owners.
3 Want people to feel unity with the government and more from the people, public safety a priority and sidewalks
4 Speak with people who do know, don't know much
5 Sales tax reduce spending on money that's not important citizens can pay for it
6 Work with the company and hold them account able, get rid of the council members who did vote for it.
7 Yes we all need to be community and not be isolated. Family is community- city motto
9 None but will seek council
Rough quotes from the candidates:
Dan Yancey
Proper growth through orderly development
Jayme Sigler
Bring, keep, and support small business
Sidewalks need to be a priority
I don't have the experience but will seek out counsel by those who do
Dario Eubank
We have to attract business to Cove
We must prioritize projects on a 5 year plan and go after grants
Jay Manning
Sign Ordinance is a problem
Subdivision Ordinance is a problem
We need to be a family and work together
All segments of society are important
Matt Russell
75 vacant business building in Cove
EDC needs to place quality of life projects on the ballot yearly
Senior Citizens need a place to enjoy and be worth while
Dianne Campbell
Make Cove more business friendly
We need to work together to make Cove better
Not in favor of raising property taxes
I would support a Senior Citizen Center
Gary Kent
Go from good to great
Jack Smith
We either grow the revenue or raise taxes
We have a great Development Services person for city named Bobby Lewis
Terri Deans
Infrastructure should be cleaned up before history preservation starts
If we support small business, they will stay and more will come
Leave the past behind and move forward
Yall know how I feel about Fathom
These are the questions submitted but not chosen in the draw (We encourage any candidates reading this to submit their answers to as many of these as they would like, and we will share them):
1. How will you work to increase job opportunities for our community?
2. What are your plans to attract and retain new business?
3. What do you believe is the role of a council member? What unique qualities would you bring to that role?
4. What are the most important challenges facing our community and how do you propose to address them?
5. Do you think our Main St/ downtown is healthy? If not, what will you do to help change it?
6.Why do you think we need a median in Business 190?
7. If you don't get get elected, would you consider serving on a municipal committee such as Board of Adjustments, P&Z, Cemetery, Quality of Life, Etc?
8. Between Fathom and the 190 Median Project, citizens didn't want these projects. The current city council members approved these projects anyways. Thanks to this there is mistrust and the citizens feel like their voices aren't being heard, anymore. How would you gain the citizens trust back and make us feel like we are being heard?
9. There was a lot of talk about bringing business and deregulating for business. What would you do to bring in and keep residents to Copperas Cove and how would you propose looking out for the residents?
10. How important is transparency about city matters between you as city government and the citizens that you represent?
11. If there is an ordinance requiring homeowners to maintain sidewalks in front of homes, is there some sort of reimbursement for the expense, considering cost for concrete and cost of labor? Shouldn't repairs be the city's responsibility since the sidewalks are considered a public route? Or can I have a no trespassing sign posted?
12. In 60 seconds or less give your platform on what you stand for?
13. How do you plan to sustain the current housing boom without adding family oriented entertainment and additional shopping options?
14. How do you anticipate assisting the Chamber of Commerce expand tourism?
15. Would you work to rebuild the downtown like Temple and Waco (Chip and Jo Silos)? Older buildings like the Silos, the revitalized grain silos in Gatesville or old Lampasas are tourist attractions.
16. Did you vote for Ave D redo?
17. How would you, while on council, make it possible for small business to excel and succeed? Chapter 20-28 in the City Ordinance says a home based business in an R-1 can't have any employees at the house but most small business' have less than 5 employees and can't afford a storefront yet and do not sell or manufacture from the residence. Most small business are veteran owned!
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
City Council meets on the 1st day of new Fiscal Year
City Council meets on the 1st day of new Fiscal Year
The Council:
Mayor Bradi Diaz-Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Place 3 Candidates
Jayme Sigler- Present
Dario Eubank-Absent
Place 4 Candidates
Matt Russell- Present
Benjamin Beck- Absent
Gary Kent- Present
Place 7 (Unexpired Term) Candidates
Jack Smith-Present
Terri Deans-Present
The City Council AGENDA
Citizen's Forum:
Mrs Maynard from the Chamber of Commerce invited the public to the Voter Forum, which starts at 530 pm tomorrow at 508 2nd Street, at the Council Chambers. She said it would last until about 8pm.
Terri Deans remind everyone that tonight is National Night Out. After the council everyone should find one of the parties and say hello to a neighbor.
Consent Agenda:
All the routine items on the Consent Agenda passed unanimously, except for F3. F3 is for a food and beverage contract with C&H Hawaiian Grill. Councilman Payne had to recuse himself because he has business dealings with the company. The vote PASSED 5-0.
Public Hearing:
Action Items:
H1. Meals on Wheels came and briefed the council on the end of year activities and was requesting $5,000 in funding that was authorized last year. They distributed 7,146 meals to senior citizens. Their expenses were $45,323 and revenue was $42,923. The vote was 6-0 in favor. PASS
H2. Boys and Girls Club gave a presentation asking for funding to help with the maintenance of their vehicles used to transport members around town. PASS
H3. Courtney Alger and Barbara Gividen were appointed to the Cemetery Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0. The terms end on September 30, 2021. PASS
H4. William Chappell and Rylee Oster were appointed to the Youth Advisory Council by a vote of 6-0. There are now 23 vacancies on the YAC. Their terms end on September 30, 2021 or upon graduation from high school. PASS
H5. Public Works Director, Scott Osburn, approached the council with the request to upgrade their SCADA system. The SCADA is the main system they use to operate the water systems around town. The current system is "largely outdated" with proprietary software from a company that is going out of business. City Staff came up with specifications for what they would need in a replacement system, and put out a bid request. They received 4 bids, and the lowest bidder came with very good recommendations in regards to good response times and customer service. With that, Scott recommends the council approve the city to move forward with overhauling their SCADA system - PASS
H6. The Fire Dept is requesting approval of a contract that would allow them to continue to be able to purchase EMS supplies. They have been using this company already and they are very reliable, fast responding, have a good read and preparation for the nations emergencies, and they even have a local rep who has been in continual contact with the station. PASS
H7. This item was regarding an ordinance amendment the Fire Chief wants to bring to the council regarding stationary and mobile food vendors. Chamber of Commerce President Alicia Menard requested the council to table this amendment to allow clarification for future events she has coming up. Chief replied that they have taken upcoming events into account and will not start enforcing this amendment until 1 Jan to allow it not to affect any events going on this year. Joann Courtland would also like more discussion about this amendment, to which Fred Chavez replied if we will be tabling this amendment, he would like a date established so it doesn't get forgotten about and the Fire Dept isn't stressed, thinking they're just being blown off. Bradi Diaz said she doesn't want to vote something in that will take effect now but not be effective until next year. Ryan Haverlah proposed Nov 5th to bring this back to the council, which was agreed on. NO ACTION
H8 and H9 both were regarding the Fire Department trying to trade in some of their older radios and get caught up to today's standard for emergency radios. PASS
H10. The City Manager asked the council about scheduling a November date for a strategic planning session that would last for about four hours. They agreed with November 22, 2019 for the session. Council Candidate Terri Deans asked if it was a good idea for it to be held during the election season. Several council members said it needed to proceed because it had not happened in two years. The compromise came from the city manager who recommended that all candidates would receive invites to the meeting, and everyone agreed.
Executive Session:
No action taken
The Council:
Mayor Bradi Diaz-Present
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Place 3 Candidates
Jayme Sigler- Present
Dario Eubank-Absent
Place 4 Candidates
Matt Russell- Present
Benjamin Beck- Absent
Place 5 Candidates
Dianne Campbell- Absent (Out of town) Gary Kent- Present
Place 7 (Unexpired Term) Candidates
Jack Smith-Present
Terri Deans-Present
The City Council AGENDA
Citizen's Forum:
Mrs Maynard from the Chamber of Commerce invited the public to the Voter Forum, which starts at 530 pm tomorrow at 508 2nd Street, at the Council Chambers. She said it would last until about 8pm.
Terri Deans remind everyone that tonight is National Night Out. After the council everyone should find one of the parties and say hello to a neighbor.
Consent Agenda:
All the routine items on the Consent Agenda passed unanimously, except for F3. F3 is for a food and beverage contract with C&H Hawaiian Grill. Councilman Payne had to recuse himself because he has business dealings with the company. The vote PASSED 5-0.
Public Hearing:
Action Items:
H1. Meals on Wheels came and briefed the council on the end of year activities and was requesting $5,000 in funding that was authorized last year. They distributed 7,146 meals to senior citizens. Their expenses were $45,323 and revenue was $42,923. The vote was 6-0 in favor. PASS
H2. Boys and Girls Club gave a presentation asking for funding to help with the maintenance of their vehicles used to transport members around town. PASS
H3. Courtney Alger and Barbara Gividen were appointed to the Cemetery Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0. The terms end on September 30, 2021. PASS
H4. William Chappell and Rylee Oster were appointed to the Youth Advisory Council by a vote of 6-0. There are now 23 vacancies on the YAC. Their terms end on September 30, 2021 or upon graduation from high school. PASS
H5. Public Works Director, Scott Osburn, approached the council with the request to upgrade their SCADA system. The SCADA is the main system they use to operate the water systems around town. The current system is "largely outdated" with proprietary software from a company that is going out of business. City Staff came up with specifications for what they would need in a replacement system, and put out a bid request. They received 4 bids, and the lowest bidder came with very good recommendations in regards to good response times and customer service. With that, Scott recommends the council approve the city to move forward with overhauling their SCADA system - PASS
H6. The Fire Dept is requesting approval of a contract that would allow them to continue to be able to purchase EMS supplies. They have been using this company already and they are very reliable, fast responding, have a good read and preparation for the nations emergencies, and they even have a local rep who has been in continual contact with the station. PASS
H7. This item was regarding an ordinance amendment the Fire Chief wants to bring to the council regarding stationary and mobile food vendors. Chamber of Commerce President Alicia Menard requested the council to table this amendment to allow clarification for future events she has coming up. Chief replied that they have taken upcoming events into account and will not start enforcing this amendment until 1 Jan to allow it not to affect any events going on this year. Joann Courtland would also like more discussion about this amendment, to which Fred Chavez replied if we will be tabling this amendment, he would like a date established so it doesn't get forgotten about and the Fire Dept isn't stressed, thinking they're just being blown off. Bradi Diaz said she doesn't want to vote something in that will take effect now but not be effective until next year. Ryan Haverlah proposed Nov 5th to bring this back to the council, which was agreed on. NO ACTION
H8 and H9 both were regarding the Fire Department trying to trade in some of their older radios and get caught up to today's standard for emergency radios. PASS
H10. The City Manager asked the council about scheduling a November date for a strategic planning session that would last for about four hours. They agreed with November 22, 2019 for the session. Council Candidate Terri Deans asked if it was a good idea for it to be held during the election season. Several council members said it needed to proceed because it had not happened in two years. The compromise came from the city manager who recommended that all candidates would receive invites to the meeting, and everyone agreed.
Executive Session:
No action taken
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