Sunday, December 30, 2018

Copperas Cove has lost a great friend.

Copperas Cove has lost a great citizen, friend, and Mayor. Frank Seffrood passed away December 28th. Please follow the link for more info:

Frank was an Army Veteran of 23 years, worked at Central Texas College for 6 years after that, and then went on to work for the USPS for 24 years after that. During his retirement, he served as Copperas Cove Mayor. Frank leaves behind a wife of 55 years - Rita, 3 children, and 3 grandchildren.

A special election will be held for the vacant City Mayor position. More to follow.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas from "Speak Up!!! Copperas Cove"

We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

     We may have only started a couple of weeks ago but we are striving to be a voice for you next year. In the meantime, we hope everyone takes much needed time to be with their families over the Christmas and New Years holidays. Leave us a message if you wish in the message section to the right of this blog. You can also sign up for a free subscription to keep up with our writing.

                                                                 Merry Christmas,
                                                                 James, Jeremy, Mary, Terri and Cayla

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation meeting 20 Dec 2018

Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation meeting 20 Dec 2018

The Agenda

Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation

The EDC members:
Joey Afcalle-Present
Chris Mulvey-Present
Adam Martin-Present
Jeremy Tate-Present
Marcie Lowery-Absent

Their meeting is usually the last Thursday of the month at 12:00pm, at the City Council chambers.

The EDC Meeting today was a very short public meeting. The only announcements were that the EDC and the city are going to split a table at the February 8 Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Spliting a table means the cost of the table between the two entities.

Nobody spoke at the Citizens Forum

There were four items on the executive session portion with no action to be taken on them. The items are as follows:

1. The evaluation of the Interim Director
2. Project Etch discussion
3. Project Glow discussion
4. Discussion with the search firm and EDC on the process and options on selecting the new Executive Director.

Jeremy Tate, EDC member
Adam Martin, EDC member

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Special City Council meeting 18 Dec 2018

We have a winner!

The Agenda

Copperas Cove City Council

The Council:
Mayor Frank Seffrood-Absent
Joann Courtland-Present
Fred Chavez-Present
Dan Yancey-Present
Jay Manning-Present
Kirby Lack-Present
Marc Payne-Present
Charlie Youngs-Present

There was only one Action Item this evening.

Election results:
Frank Seffrood is declared winner of the mayoral run-off election. 
Seffrood: 588
Taylor: 523
Council result: 7-0, resolution passes

Executive Session: 
EDC presented the information to the city council. 

Council result: 7-0 in favor of

City council authorizes the Interim City Manager to open a dialog with Project Etch.

Councilman Place 7 Charlie Youngs

Monday, December 17, 2018

Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on December 17, 2018

Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on December 17, 2018

The Agenda

P&Z Commissioners:
Dale Treadway-Present
Adam Martin-Present
Bob Martin-Present
Christian Mulvey-Present
Ken Thomas-Present
Rob Endter-Present

There was one Public Hearing concerning Killeen Towing Company establishing a vehicle impound lot at 1238 Matthew Spicer Road. It is near Gym Kix. Dick Young (representative for the company) briefed the commission on the construction and purpose of the lot. It will have a 20ft gate, a metal fence built around it so it is not viewable from outside, and will have solar lights for security.

 One citizen spoke in favor of it and nobody was against it.

Result: Commission passed it 6-0

There was one action item. Josh Welch brought the final plat for Heartwood IV subdivision with the changes brought forth from the Copperas Cove City Council. Dale Treadway confirmed the 7 1/2 foot side yard setbacks. Rob Endter asked about the green space area in it.

Result: Commission passed it 6-0

The commission also reviewed the Comprehensive Plan.

Bobby Lewis, Copperas Cove City Planner

Friday, December 14, 2018

Hello Copperas Cove!!!

Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Citizens-

There are a lot of things going on in Copperas Cove that most of us aren't always aware of. After all, it can be a task to keep up with when all the different meetings are or have time to sit through them all. That's where we come in. 

We want to give you a place where you can come and follow up with what's going on at the city council meetings and see who's voting how. See what you're missing out on at the school board workshops/meetings, what's going on with the Planning and Zoning board meetings and where they want to take Copperas Cove, or even what events may be coming up around town. We'd like to even make this a place where you can come and learn and talk about new electoral candidates once the yard signs start going up. 

See, we like Copperas Cove and want good things to come along for it. We want to see the right people elected and we want to see people educated about all projects going on in Copperas Cove (current and future, big and small). So, save this blog, follow it, and join in on the conversation. Come on Copperas Cove - Speak up!!!

Hello Copperas Cove!!!

Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Citizens- There are a lot of things going on in Copperas Cove that most of us aren't always aware of. Aft...